Sigung Rick Spain demonstrates the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Second Set from the left, right, and rear.

From Left Side

From Right Side

From Rear Perspective

Sigung Rick Spain demonstrates the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy First Set from the left, right and rear.

From Left Side

From Right Side

From Rear

Sigung Rick Spain discusses the Wooden Dummy sets and some new angles he will be using to film sets.

Some detail work on the first form of Wing Chun Kung Fu – Sil Lum Tao with Sigung Rick Spain.

1st February 2024 Update From Sigung Rick Spain – A Detailed Study of Sil Lum Tao the first form of Wing Chun Kung Fu

Sigung Rick Spain’s January 21 Mat chat bringing you up to date on current events at the school