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This workshop was conducted on Sunday 9th February 2020 to raise funds for WIRES. $240 was raised and donated to the Emergency Fund to support their wildlife rescue services as a result of the bushfires late 2019/early 2020. If you would like to donate to their Emergency Fund you can do so here.

Thank you for supporting Australian wildlife!

Now… the REAL history of Wing Chun

5 replies
  1. says:

    This was so eye-opening for me! THIS was the information that I was looking for, and would have answered SO many questions for me! Better late than never! Thank you so much!!!

  2. says:

    Wow a lot of what Sifu spoke about in the history lesson I remember him telling us 20 years ago. I loved having beers with Sifu coz he was always telling us his streetfighting stories lol

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